
In the section "The Skin Has Eyes," it talked about our senses being highly linked together. My hands were soaked in water before being lit on fire with AXE spray while the other was holding ice. Both hands experienced extreme temperatures, but the feelings were multiplied by seeing these objects in my hands. The clarification of my eyes telling my brain that my hand was on fire amplified the sensation. It's hard to let the fire burn for very long because the body has a natural reaction to do something when seeing the flames in your palms. If my eyes had been closed I don't think there would had been the same reaction. While the ice may not have been as extreme I think the same can be said for that hand as well.

The section "What Is A Touch" states touch receptors can be blanked out. We are aware of a touch and everything about it, but if it is constant we loose awareness of it until that touch is changed. The coldness of the ice and the heat of the flames are temporarily forgotten when the temperature remains the same; however, when the water burns off my hand and the flames touch the skin, the receptors are instantly aware. 
